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Quick start guide


pip install map_with_stats

Usage example

For visualisation you will need some statistics per hectare. Individual hectares are defined by the X,Y coordinates in the LV03 coordinate system of the bottom-left (=south-west) corner.

  1. Such data could be for example downloaded from the BFS website.
  2. For example, one can get population data per hectare for year 2021 from here.
  3. Download and extract STATPOP2021.csv from the archive.
  4. Generate the HTML with the map:
    import pandas as pd
    import map_with_stats as mws
    data_raw = pd.read_csv("STATPOP2021.csv", sep=";")
    data = data_raw[["RELI", "B21BTOT"]]
    data = mws.hectare2xy(data, "RELI")  # (1)!
    gdf_stats = mws.create_geo_df_with_hectar_polygons(data, "B21BTOT", crs_out="EPSG:4326")  # (2)!
    # restrict data to the Zürich neighbourhood
    mask_x = data["X"].between(6700_00, 7000_00)
    mask_y = data["Y"].between(2330_00, 2630_00)
    gdf = gdf_stats[mask_x & mask_y]  # (3)!
    # `build_map` is the main helper function that will create a map with a coropleth layer
    title = "Dummy data"  # (4)!
    map = mws.build_map(gdf, title , "equidistant")"map.html")
    1. hectare2xy is a helper function that extracts X,Y coordinates from the hectare ID
    2. create_geo_df_with_hectar_polygons is a helper function that creates GeoDataFrame with a polygon for each hectare
    3. This step is optional- read FAQ for more details
    4. Title will be used as data description in the tooltip and colormap